Install Active Artist Easily on Any Device

Experience seamless music management with Active Artist, now available as a Progressive Web App (PWA) on your iPhone, Android Phone, Mac, or Windows computer.

For iPhone:

  1. Open Safari: Launch Safari browser on your iPhone.
  2. Navigate to Active Artist: Enter Active Artist's URL in the address bar.
  3. Tap the Share Icon: Find and tap the share icon at the screen's bottom.
  4. Add to Home Screen: Scroll in the share options and tap "Add to Home Screen."
  5. Name Your App: Label it as “Active Artist” for easy recognition.
  6. Complete Installation: Tap "Add." The Active Artist icon will now be on your home screen.

For Android Phone:

  1. Open Chrome: Open the Chrome browser on your Android device.
  2. Visit Active Artist: Go to Active Artist's URL in Chrome.
  3. Tap Menu: Click on the menu icon (three vertical dots) in the top right.
  4. Add to Home Screen: Choose “Add to Home Screen” from the menu.
  5. Name the App: Name it “Active Artist.”
  6. Finalize Installation: Hit “Add,” and Active Artist will be on your home screen.

For Mac:

  1. Open Safari: Start Safari on your Mac.
  2. Go to Active Artist: Type in Active Artist's URL in Safari’s address bar.
  3. Use the Share Button: Click the share button in the toolbar.
  4. Select "Add to Dock": Choose “Add to Dock” for quick access.
  5. Access Anytime: Active Artist will be in your Dock for easy accessibility.

For Windows Computer:

  1. Open Chrome: Start Google Chrome on your Windows PC.
  2. Navigate to Active Artist: Visit Active Artist's URL in Chrome.
  3. Install via Chrome Menu: Click the menu (three dots) and select “Install Active Artist…”
  4. Confirm Installation: In the pop-up, click “Install.”
  5. Ready to Use: Active Artist will now be like an app on your computer, available in the start menu or desktop.

Now, managing your music career is more accessible than ever with the Active Artist PWA. Install it today and elevate the way you track, analyze, and grow your artists’ success!